About Jeff

This is the "official" blog of Indiana based new age/ambient musician Jeff Pearce (that would be me). This blog will cover pretty much anything that happens in my life, whether music-related or not. In fact, some of the really funny stuff has nothing to do with music (depending on who you ask- there are those in this world who no doubt find plenty to laugh at in my music).

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Location: Indiana, United States

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Boca Raton and the $100 burger.....

I'm going to Boca Raton to eat a hamburger.

...ok, I'm not- but there's a part of me that REALLY wants to.... and Boca Raton owes me a hamburger- but I'll explain that later....

According to this story at cnn.com, there is a restaurant at the Boca Raton Resort and Club which is now selling a $100 hamburger. You can click on the link and read all the decadent details of this delightful delicacy.

.... yeah- I know- a lot of "d" words. Get past it......

Personally, a $100 burger not a bad thing for a town to be associated with- especially since one of Boca Raton's claims to fame is that they are the hometown of the National Enquirer (motto: "We feature only the frumpiest of celebrities!").

I mentioned the burger story to Mrs. Pearce last night, and she asked "why do you want to eat that? You're not a big burger person."

I answered her that I do not eat burgers, but it takes a determined effort on my part not to eat them. Seeing "Supersize Me" helped a bit with my focus to stay on the straight and narrow, burger-wise. But regardless of that movie, I've been determined not to indulge in burgers for about 12+ years now, with various degrees of success. I've even been a vegetarian for a while.

And I tried REALLY really hard, too- eating nothing with any animal products in them whatsoever. One of my preferred foods in my vegetarian phases were something called "Boca Burgers"- which were made entirely of grains and veggies. I won't go into details on the taste, other than to say a Boca Burger is to a hamburger what Jessica Simpson is to John Lennon: not even close, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise. But I tried- believe me, I tried. I even went so far as to put the Boca Burgers on our grill to give them grill marks. I'd put the Boca Burgers on buns and load the whole thing up with as many toppings as I could.

The result? Jessica Simpson singing "Give Peace a Chance"........

But I soldiered on- and I'd be doing so well, too- while munching away on the Boca Burgers, my weight would be wonderful, I'd be full of energy and clear mental thinking (well, relatively speaking). In fact, I was the healthiest and most alert miserable person you'd want to meet. Eventually, I'd fall off the wagon in a big way, and go on the kind of "meat bender" that Dr. Atkins would have deemed excessive. When I'd awaken from these benders, I'd be surrounded by fast food wrappers, empty boxes of beef jerky, and usually a couple of very angry live pigs with very big bandages on their rear ends.

So after more than a year of eating a Boca "burger" every time I had a craving, I'm thinking that the town owes me one of the $100 burgers.

Being a musician, I'd even be willing to work out a deal with the Boca Raton Resort and Club: I'll show up and play a concert at their place. And when they decide to hand over the burger, I'll stop playing. I'll even buy one of their $75 milkshakes to wash it down with. And the National Enquirer can report the whole thing ("Frumpy looking man devours burger, mentions something about Jessica Simpson").


Blogger Jimi Brady said...

This is seriously the funniest thing I've read in two months. I'm dying.

6:20 AM  

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